
An overview of the Incoterms as of 2000. Below you will also find the table on cost information and passing of the risk.

Group/clause Abbrevation Description
Group E
Pick-up clause
EXW*1 ExWorks *1
Group F
Main transport not paid for by seller
FCA*1 Free Carrier *1
FAS*2 Free Alongside Ship *2
FOB *2 Free On Board *2
Group C
Main transport paid by seller
CFR*3 Cost And Freight *3
CIF *3 Cost, Insurance And Freight *3
CPT *4 Carriage Paid To *4
CIP *4 Carriage And Insurance Paid To *4
Group D
Arrival clauses
DAF *1 Delivered At Frontier *1
DES *3 Delivered Ex Ship *3
DEQ *3 Delivered Ex Quai *3
DDU *1 Delivered Duty Unpaid *1
DDP *1 Delivered Duty Paid *1

*1 named location  
*2 named port of dispatch
*3 named port of destination
*4 named destination